Nou Cadre script-uri Pentru Web
Apache Tapiserie folosește o abordare diferită pentru construirea de aplicații Java. În loc de arhitecturi modulare complexe, fiecare componentă este de fapt o tapiserie Java POJO de bază, care deține toate informațiile cu privire la aceasta și îi...
La un moment dat, câțiva ani în urmă, cei mai mulți dezvoltatori au considerat MooTools ca fiind cel mai bun cadru JavaScript în jur și chiar sa așteptat ca acesta să bată jQuery și să devină cea mai utilizată tehnologie JS din lume.
Dar lucrurile nu...
MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) este o deviere de la paradigma MVC clasică, dezvoltat de Microsoft, orientate spre dezvoltarea UI și sunt utilizate pentru Silverlight și WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation).
Vue.js pune în aplicare unele dintre...
Appier is very lightweight compared to other Python Web frameworks, but it was specifically built this way.There's support for a basic request routing system that any website needs to properly redirect users, a template engine to control the layout,...
Fresco is for Python developers that want a lighter framework that lets them use their own templating and database interaction libraries.
Fresco can also accommodate Pesto users, having a similar structure and development infrastructure.What is new in...
MVP stands for Model-View-Presenter, a model very similar to MVC.
epik allows developers to build JS-driven applications using small modular code.
It was created around the AMD industry practices and designed to work with Bower components out of the...
They are MVC, respective MVVM frameworks for JavaScript, but each one with its own features and approach to Web development.
Knockback.js merges their code to provide a more complete development framework.
Download the stand-alone version of...
It is written after the MVVM philosophy, Model-View-ModelView pattern.What is new in this release:Computed properties now notify only when their value changes
optionsCaption now HTML-encodes its output
Bindings are now refreshed independently
What is new...
CompoundJS is built on top of Express and inspired by Ruby on Rails.
It was written to reduce development time of Node.js powered apps and allow a broader scope for JavaScript developers.
CompoundJS was previously known under the name RailwayJS.What is...
The Unyson Framework is truly one of the simplest to use and most complete WordPress theme framework you'll find around these days. You actually may find it hard to believe that so many cool features are actually free and not disguised under a dual...