Magento Delivery Date

Magento Delivery Date Extension lets your customer choose the date of the product delivery.
  • Let your customer choose their product delivery date using calender
  • Option to show comment box to receive additional delivery information
  • You can exclude specific days of the week if needed
  • Option to enable same-day delivery
  • Set minimal interval of days between order date and delivery date
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A lot of times it happens when a customer places an order, but he needs delivery on any specific day. The reason could be a birthday, engagement, any other celebration or anything. Install Magento Delivery Date extension on your store and let your customer select the date of delivery.

It is easy to manage the order delivery date from back-end. This one of the rare functionality (but very useful) which is being used by very rare stores. Use Magento Delivery Date extension and convert your customer in returning customers.

Why choose MageComp's Magento Delivery Date Extension:

  • Backend option to enable or disable the extension.
  • The choice for admin to accept customer comments while checkout if needed.
  • If the admin has enabled customer comment, he or she can set custom comment box title from the backend.
  • Store admin can set a custom date field label to display in store frontend.
  • Moreover, the customer can add additional comments if needed.
  • You can also exclude specific days of the week from product delivery.
  • Using backend option, you can also specify a delivery days after order date.
  • Also, the admin can set custom delivery date description if needed.
  • The Extension will automatically display the delivery date in all Magento generated order details.
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Version 1.1.0 Date : 05-11-2015

- Compatible with SUPEE 6788

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Customer Questions
Once we buy this extension, can it be used on 2 websites?
You are allowed to use the extension in one production website and 2 development websites.
You can enter all as comma-separated in the domain field while purchasing the extension on our website.
Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions