Revolver - Tabs
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Revolver - Tabs


239 valutazioni

EstensioneLavoro e pianificazione200.000 utenti
Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento


Automatically rotate through open tabs. By Ben Hedrington

A slideshow for the web.... Revolver - Tabs Revolver - Tabs takes your current open tabs and rotates between each of them pausing for as many seconds as you like and continuing until you stop it. Revolver - Tabs can reload the tabs on each view or not if you choose. Optionally Revolver - Tabs can wait while you are active in your browser and only rotate when you are inactive. ** We'd like to thank Wayne Goyer for sharing some significant and highly requested updates. The power of open source software! ** This was created for using Google Chrome full-screen to power unattended screens like kiosks or tv displays where rotating dynamic/live web content is needed. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions... Ben Hedrington Twitter - @benhedrington More Contact - v0.1 - Initial Working Alpha v0.2 - Updates from Fred Emmott - Rotation pauses if browser is being used, works on multiple windows. v0.3 - Added more options, some bug fixes. Now with clearer icons when Tabs is running, waiting and stopped. v0.5 - Updates from Aurimas Liutikas v0.6 - With Automatic Start and updated Options page. v0.7 - Significant updates from Wayne Goyer, advanced settings for each tab with highly requested features. If you can help add features go for it! The code is here:

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Lorenzo Ferrigno10 dic 2013

Fa esattamente ciò che dice..perfetto !

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    13 giugno 2016
  • Elemento offerto da
    Ben Hedrington
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
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  • Non commerciante
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