Blade Warrior demo

Screenshot Software:
Blade Warrior demo
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 1.0
Incarca data: 7 Dec 15
Producător: Phantagram
Licenţă: Gratuit
Popularitate: 28
Dimensiune: 3363 Kb

Rating: 5.0/5 (Total Votes: 1)

This game's hero, Sou, is a cub of Zyclunt. Zyclunt is a mercenary party, which consists of retired soldiers or veterans. Many of them have been dishonorably discharged for using extreme measures. At 24 June 2022, 16 o'clock, the first mission is finally delivered to Sou. A flock of machadine have appeared in the D-C-14 district, where the regular general meeting of local security is to take place. Sou is now heading to D-C-14 by his private plane, excited to be embarking on his first mission. But he feels an ominous foreboding....

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