Gleez CMS is another implementation of the classic CMS website building patten, this time built on top of Kohana.
The CMS can be used for anything, starting from small websites, and up to large intranet structures.
This is mainly to its duality, providing an easy to use admin panel interface, while also offering developers the bare-bone tools to extend the CMS core to cover whatever you need it to cover.
All this while keeping the code's core as small as possible, without having to deal with thousands of lines of code which most of the time open the site up to security holes.
You should be able to get the CMS up and running on any of your Web servers, thanks to its quite normal hosting requirements and the included installation assistant.
- Installation wizard
- Admin panel
- User management
- User roles
- Users permissions
- Menu manager
- Page manager
- Organize content in categories
- Comments moderation
- Blogging module
- Tagging
- Reusable content blocks
- Widgets
- Extensions
- Modules
- Plugins
- Themes
- Layouts
- Shortcodes
- Image manager
- SEO management
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