HAML stands for HTML Abstraction Markup Language.
HAML was created for Ruby developers with the intent of providing a faster way of writing HTML code in one go.
It's not only a very complex, yet simple to read markup language, but a compiler at the same time, taking the HAML syntax, the developer's entered content, and outputting it as HTML code.
HAML is basically a template engine that merges content, placeholders, and HTML tags in one single file / place.
For CSS, SASS/SCSS does the same thing as HAML does for HTML. SASS is bundled with all HAML installations by default.
What is new in this release:
- Fixed haml_concat appending unescaped HTML after a call to haml_tag.
- Fix for bug whereby when HAML :ugly option is "true", ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper::capture returns the whole view buffer when passed a block that returns nothing.
What is new in version 4.0.6 / 4.1.0.beta.1:
- Fixed haml_concat appending unescaped HTML after a call to haml_tag.
- Fix for bug whereby when HAML :ugly option is "true", ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper::capture returns the whole view buffer when passed a block that returns nothing.
What is new in version 4.0.3:
- Fixed Erubis handler for compatibility with Tilt 1.4.x, too.
- Small performance optimization for html_escape.
- Documentation fixes.
What is new in version 4.0.1:
- Removed Rails 3.2.3+ textarea hack in favor of a more general solution.
- Fixed some performance regressions.
- Fixed support for Rails 4 text_area helper method.
- Fixed data attribute flattening with singleton objects.
- Fixed support for sass-rails 4.0 beta.
What is new in version 3.1.5:
- Respects Rails' `html_safe` flag when escaping attribute values.
- Fix for Rails 3.2.3 textarea helpers.
What is new in version 3.1.4:
- Fixed the use of FormBuilder#block with a label in Haml.
- Fixed indentation after a self-closing tag with dynamic attributes.
What is new in version 3.1.3:
- Stop partial layouts from being displayed twice.
What is new in version 3.1.2:
- If the ActionView #capture helper is used in a Haml template but without any Haml being run in the block, return the value of the block rather than the captured buffer.
- Don't throw errors when text is nested within comments.
- Fix html2haml.
- Fix an issue where destructive modification was sometimes performed on Rails SafeBuffers.
What is new in version 3.0.25:
- HTML-to-Haml conversion now works within Ruby even if Hpricot is loaded before haml/html.
- Ruby 1.9.2 or higher
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