LAN Exam Maker

Screenshot Software:
LAN Exam Maker
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 2.6 Actualizat
Incarca data: 4 Dec 15
Producător: Smlme
Licenţă: Shareware
Preţ: 89.90 $
Popularitate: 114
Dimensiune: 30548 Kb

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 2)

Easily create LAN quizzes, secure tests, exams and assessments for students or employees. Advanced options like free quiz templates, data security, automated grading and powerful analyze report makes it ideal for corporations, educational institutions and even users looking to create quizzes just for fun. Receive detailed reports and statistics for your quizzes to analyze the performance of your learners.

Comprehensive statistical analysis Comprehensive range of statistics for each Exam, Group, User and Question, including exam scores, exam completion time and the most did wrong & right questions

Across all platforms We have designed for support all the available devices, such as all the mobiles, tablet, and PC. The unified user experience make all platform behavior same.

Comprehensive customize You can freely custom your exams, like brand logo, theme, limit exam time, pass scores and etc. We have provide you more than 30 options for you to fulfill your business or education.

Select randomized questions to your exam You have many questions in your questions bank, you can now select randomized questions to your exam.

Add picture, video to questions With LanExamMaker, you can add some picture, video to your questions. A question with a image or video may helps students know more about your asking for

Support question and exam category You can add a category to your exams, questions, with which to manage your data. It is very convenient to manage by group data to a category

Students self registered to a group LanExamMaker support student self register to a group, after registration, student can login and do the exam, manage the taken result, and view the questions have done right or wrong.

Import students from excel files LanExamMaker support import your students from excel files, these is very useful if your have got more than 10 students. You can import students t

What is new in this release:

1. Add fill in blank question type
2. Support add exam to multiple group.
3. Added import questions feature, now, you can import question from a text file.
4. Added analysis data for groups, you can view the details analysis data of each group, and compare between groups.
5. Added support for view the taken record of a question.
6. Fixed bugs.

What is new in version 1.2:

    Version 1.2:
  • Equation Support:

    In many situation, equation is a very important feature in the examination, We have support it from now on. In this version, you can add mathematical equations in the question, and also it is very easy to do that.

  • Simple Control UI:

    Improved the UI of the controls of hummingbird for its hard to use, in this version, you can easily manages the hummingbird running status, whether hummingbird is running or stoped and others.

  • IP Change Notice:

    You may notice that when you move from one place to another, in different network environment, the IP address of your computer may change, and this may cause the hummingbird not work properly. This problem may not prevent from hummingbird any more now. when you open the hummingbird control panel, the system may tell you whether the IP address have changed or not, you may follow the introduction to change the settings.




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