React Prism

Screenshot Software:
React Prism
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 3.0.0 Actualizat
Incarca data: 10 Dec 15
Producător: Tom Chen
Licenţă: Gratuit
Popularitate: 158

Rating: 2.7/5 (Total Votes: 3)

React Prism provides a React-specific interface that simplifies the process of embedding and then adding a syntax coloring theme to the code in your React applications.

The plugin basically adapts the Prism source code & syntax highlighting JavaScript library to React.

It supports all the original programming languages highlighting schemes, along with its UI skins.

Examples and usage instructions are included with the download package.

What is new in this release:

  • Upgrade to React@^0.14.

What is new in version 1.4.1:

  • PrismCode: should respond to children update.

What is new in version 1.3.0:

  • PrismCode: should respond to children update.

What is new in version 1.2.1:

  • PrismCode: should respond to children update.


  • JavaScript enabled on client side
  • React

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