Detalii soft:
Versiune: 3.0.3 Actualizat
Incarca data: 10 Dec 15
Licenţă: Gratuit
Popularitate: 275
This e-commerce platform relies on Ruby's dynamic programming to offer a secure and small-sized application.
It supports customized logic for taxation, shipping, discounts and coupons.
What is new in this release:
- Bootstrap Backend & Frontend
- Rails 4.2 Support
- Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce
What is new in version 2.4.3 / 3.1.0.rc1:
- Products without variants can't have a weight.
- Load initializers from extensions
- Remove Paperclip messages from log
- Problem with spree command in older versions of Ruby Gems.
- Refactor checkout into its own model, view and controller
- Error when browsing to an invalid taxon
- Can't add new product with cyrrilic symbols in Name
- Record checkout completion timestamp
- Additional Translation Strings
- Refactor order totaling to use a system of charges
- Image upload not working....
- Handling requests for products/taxons not in the db
- Spree admin does not render well in IE
- SKU disappears when variants are added.
- Upgrade to newer version of compass
- Cannot checkout using IE6
- Latest master checkout resulted in migrations failing
- Tests failing with Russian and French locales
- Spree should not require exact haml-edge version
- Hebrew translation
- Thai localization
- Possible issue with i18n:sync
- Migration failure on newer versions of Postgres
- Improve efficient for product display
- Refactor order totaling to use a system of credits
- Allow configuration for automatic capture
- Spree is overwritting :per_page parameter
- Need to avoid silent failures in the checkout process
- Remove admin user check from products controller
- Allow admin view to display a customized order display
- Upgrade the vendored version of Paperclip?
- Removed favicon.ico file?
- Losses of confirmation emails for registered users
- Need access to image width and height
- Credit card type guessing in checkout has been disconnected
- Reduce application layout duplication
- Repeated saves of CC objects leaves XXXX-XXXX-XXXX- in display_number field
- Add Dutch translation files
- Support coupons and discounts
- Allow calculator configuration (shipping, coupons, etc.) via admin interface
- Password reset mails should come from the "generic" address
- Allow login bar to be called via https
- Support for variant images
- Upgrading to the new version of searchlogic
- Update locale translations
- Fixed confusing error message in UsersController
- InventoryUnit does not associate with an order when sold
- An alternative to spree:upgrade?
- Finnish localization
- Don't show restricted administrator tabs
- Several not translated strings
- Update totals after removing line items
- Avoid clobbering formbuilder in product forms
- Rails 2.3.4 Compatibility
- Add Mexican Spanish localization files
- Protect cart for mass_assignement
- Provide type aware preference helper
- Sample users are not added to the 'user' role
- Rake spree:upgrade doesn't delete initializers/searchlogic.rb
- Add some named scopes for common filtering operations
- Incomplete usage help text for script/generate extension_migration
- zone_members.yml contains unknown zone ids
- Mail templates have hard-coded $
- Bug when canceling/resuming orders with language other than en-US
- jQuery checkout bug
- State changesin order don't produce SteteEvents
- Address model spec failing on missing state test
- Order summary partial don't supports I18n.
- Improvement to route upgrade process
- en_GB_rails is broken - fails to load up some translations
- Quantity field does not update in orders/edit
- Addresses in checkout should default to the ones the customer last used
- Checkout address forms don't show state_name for state-less countries
- Show selected Variant image in cart
- Add support for faceted search / filtering
- Testing of orders is slow (and will fail around 1 time in 259)
- Improvements for zone handling
- Improve seeding code
- SMTP error during checkout prevents order from being properly completed
- Error on deploy edge version
- Rails Metal is not loaded properly
- LineItem validation needs more care with checking of stock levels
- update_addresses not defined in checkout.js
- Don't work sorting orders by email.
- Improve messages for require_{no_}user
- Unknown object case doesn't handle case where id parameter is empty
- Modify percentage calculator to use percentages
- product.variants contains deleted variants
- reject_unknown_object fails for collections
- Column deleted_at can be ambiguous in some cases.
- Ruby on Rails
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