
Screenshot Software:
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 3.0
Incarca data: 6 Dec 15
Producător: Danere Group
Licenţă: Gratuit
Popularitate: 48
Dimensiune: 3098 Kb

Rating: 2.3/5 (Total Votes: 3)

Quickhead-E is a timesaving program that monitors your e-mail accounts and downloads the header portion of new mail in the background of your PC. When new message headers are delivered, you are notified of their arrival. Then, using the main program window, you have the options to mark unwanted messages for deletion and to preview important messages ahead of other mail. If you are away from your machine when new mail arrives, a cumulative summary of all new mail received during that period will be displayed for you upon your return. If more than one account contains new mail, you can instantly switch between your mailboxes to review any messages contained in a particular account. With Quickhead-E, you can stay on top of your e-mail and never download an undesired message again. Quickhead-E contains provisions for multiple e-mail accounts, and includes net detection, background checking, instant message downloading and deleting, HTML-encoded or Outlook-enabled message viewing, and constant mailbox status updates. Significant changes in this release include a completely redesigned main program interface, improved customization options, and support for Hotmail.


Windows 95/98/NT, POP3 or Hotmail-based e-mail account

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2 Nov 15

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