Apache Falcon

Apache Falcon 0.8 Actualizat

Apache Falcon is basically a data management system for Apache Hadoop installations. It helps developers move around and process data recorded in a Hadoop database. Developers can create custom routines and then use them for automated or custom data...

Apache Lens

Apache Lens 2.4.0-beta Actualizat

Apache Lens is an aggregation system that acts like an umbrella project for various data storage mediums.Lens will act like an intermediary, taking user queries and sending them to each service in its own specific query language and syntax.It will then...

Apache Camel

Apache Camel 2.16.1 Actualizat

Apache Camel helps developers implement "Enterprise Integration Patterns", a concept made famous first by Gregor Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns book, and then expanded and improved by many other authors. This and all the subsequent books...

Apache UIMA

Apache UIMA 2.8.1 Actualizat

Apache UIMA reprezintă U nstructured I Informationale M anagement A PLICAȚII.UIMA este un proiect interesant de Fundația Apache care încearcă să analizeze și să detecteze blocuri de informații și modele în interiorul mari de date neorganizate.Ca...