Improved functions- This update improves the reception of DAB tuner.Preparation:1. Download the Firmware update file “” and save it on your desktop. 2. Unzip it on to your desktop. In the unzipped folder, you will see the file...
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The following changes and improvements:1. Improved the sensitivity and consistency of the scroll wheel response. 2. Fixed issue where the player may not be able to load the cover art for certain files.3. Fixed issue where the player may not be able to...
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The package provides the installation files for KODAK i5800 Scanner Driver version order to manually update your driver, follow the steps below (the next steps):1. Go to Device Manager (right click on My Computer, choose Manage and then find...
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Fixat: - HDHR3-CC firmware: Îmbunătățirea potrivire canal-a-ghid atunci când un resolver de tuning este prezent (necesita scanare canal pentru a actualiza). - HDHR4-2US / 2DT firmware: Fix problemă în cazul în care link-ul Ethernet ar putea sa scada...
This utility uninstalls the Synaptics pointing device driver in preparation for installing the Windows 8 operating system.Important Notes- During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with...
Toshiba Satellite P30 ATI SMBus Driver for XP 5.10.1000.7
Acesta este driverul pentru dvs. Sistemul de Management Bus (SMBus), prin care chips-uri simple de gestionare legate de sistem și de putere poate comunica cu restul system.Important notele - În timpul instalării a acestui fișier, asigurați-vă că sunt...
Fixat: - (New) Postat de sprijin pentru ThinkPad T550, W541, W550s, X250.- (New) Adăugat suport pentru ThinkPad X1 Carbon (tipuri de mașini: 20BS, 20BT).- (New) Adăugat suport pentru ThinkPad S5 Yoga 15.. - (New) Adăugat suport pentru ThinkPad Helix două...
Synaptics USB HID Driver 64-bit Actualizat
Pachetul prevede fișierele de instalare pentru Synaptics USB Human Interface Device Driver versiunea a actualiza manual driver-ul, urmați pașii de mai jos (următorii pași):1. Du-te la Device Manager (click dreapta pe My Computer, alege...
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