Acest utilitar actualizează BIOS-ul la versiunea R0210Z5 și oferă următoarele beneficii:- Rezolvă o problemă în cazul în care unitatea de disc optică nu apare în sistem după start-up- Imbunatateste raspunsul touchpad- Decide și problemă în cazul în...
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Trebuie să aibă Drivere Pentru Sony
Sony Vaio VPCEF25FX/BI SmartWi Connection Utility
This utility installs the originally shipped version of the SmartWi Connection Utility.Important Notes- During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights.- To ensure that no...
This utility updates the BIOS to version R0210Z5 and provides the following benefits: - Resolves an issue where the optical disc drive does not appear in the system after start-up- Improves the touchpad response- Resolves and issue where the system may...
Acest utilitar instalează versiunea livrat inițial a driverului de dispozitiv Sony Firmware Parser Extensia.Acest driver rezolvă, de asemenea, galben de exclamare eroarea punct care ar putea apărea în Device Manager de lângă "Unknown Device", care indică...
Sony Vaio VPCEF34FX SmartWi Connection Utility
This utility updates the SmartWi Connection Utility or VAIO Wireless Wizard software to resolve a security issue.Important Notes- During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative...
Acest utilitar instalează versiunea livrat inițial a Sony Library.Important comun notele - În timpul instalării a acestui fișier, asigurați-vă că sunteți conectat ca administrator sau ca utilizator cu drepturi administrative.- Pentru a se asigura că nici...
This utility updates the BIOS to version R0210Z5 and provides the following benefits: - Resolves an issue where the optical disc drive does not appear in the system after start-up- Improves the touchpad response- Resolves and issue where the system may...
This utility installs the originally shipped version of the Sony Firmware Extension Parser Device driver. This driver also resolves the yellow exclamation point error that may appear in Device Manager next to "Unknown Device" which indicates that a driver...
Acest utilitar actualizează Utility Connection SmartWi sau software-ul Expertul wireless VAIO pentru a rezolva o securitate issue.Important Note - În timpul instalării a acestui fișier, asigurați-vă că sunteți conectat ca administrator sau ca utilizator...
This utility installs the originally shipped version of the Sony Shared Library.Important Notes- During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights.- To ensure that no other...
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AL-711520802BY04US.EXE 6 Dec 15
Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port 27 Oct 15
Sony Vaio VPCEH2DFX Firmware Extension Parser Device Driver for Windows 7/Windows 8 64-bit 15 Mar 16
Sony Vaio VPCEE46FX SmartWi Connection Utility 19 Dec 15