Nou Drivere Pentru Windows Server 2008
Pachetul prevede fișierele de instalare pentru Intel LAN (Server) Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X710-Q2 versiune driver a actualiza manual driver-ul, urmați pașii de mai jos (următorii pași):1. Du-te la Device Manager (click dreapta...
Pachetul prevede fișierele de instalare pentru adaptorul Ethernet Virtual Oracle VM versiune driver a actualiza manual driver-ul, urmați pașii de mai jos (următorii pași):1. Du-te la Device Manager (click dreapta pe My Computer, alege...
Fixes: - Added feature to transfer settings from TS-HTGL/R5 series TeraStations (as of March 2015). - Modified to deal with Samba programming vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-0240 and CVE-2014-0178)....
Fixes: - Added feature to transfer settings from TS-HTGL/R5 series TeraStations (as of March 2015). - Modified to deal with Samba programming vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-0240 and CVE-2014-0178)....
Fixes: - Added feature to transfer settings from TS-HTGL/R5 series TeraStations (as of March 2015). - Modified to deal with Samba programming vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-0240 and CVE-2014-0178)....
Installs the Intel Chipset Device Software version This download is intended for use with Intel NUC Boards and Kits.The Intel Chipset Device Software installs the Windows INF files. The INF files inform the operating system how to properly...
Installs base drivers, Intel PROSet Software for Windows Device Manager, advanced networking services (ANS) for teaming and VLANs, and SNMP for Intel Network Adapters for this operating system only.What's New in This Release:- Linux support for VXLAN...
Modificările: - Modificare implicit numele de utilizator pentru rădăcină superutilizator - Adăugați parola de utilizator super-modifica funcția în BMC Web UI și arată utilizatorul root & rsquo; s nume. - Root Disable autentificati BMC consola de...
Acest pachet acceptă următoarele modele de conducător auto: TANDBERG 820LTO
Cerințe : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Ferestre XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000...