Media Library Assistant

Screenshot Software:
Media Library Assistant
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 2.13 Actualizat
Incarca data: 10 Dec 15
Producător: David Lingren
Licenţă: Gratuit
Popularitate: 36

Rating: nan/5 (Total Votes: 0)

The Media Library Assistant plugin makes dealing with files in WordPress an easier job, especially when it comes to images.

It adds the controls and features needed for image-centric websites, but it also enhances how WordPress deals with other file formats as well.


Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

What is new in this release:

  • New:
  • For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the Google File Viewer (mla_viewer) has been replaced by two new featues. First, a "Featured Image" can be assigned to Media Library items; it will replace the MIME type icon as the thumbnail for the item. Second, PDF documents can generate a thumbnail image for the item if Imagemagick, Imagick and Ghostscript are available on the server. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • XMP metadata can be extracted from JPEG and TIFF images and used in [mla_gallery] shortcodes and IPTC/EXIF or Custom Field mapping rules.
  • Several simple MLA Gallery examples have been added to the Documentation tab.
  • A Media/Assistant submenu table custom view example plugin, mla-custom-view-example.php.txt has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples/ directory. The example adds two custom views for "Attached" items and "Unpublished" items that are attached to a parent whose post_status is 'draft', 'future', 'pending' or 'trash' .
  • Two new filters for the "Media/Assistant Submenu Hooks" allow you to record or modify the new values for Bulk Edit fields. The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated with the new filters.
  • A Terms Search "exact" option has been added to eliminate false matches such as "man" within "woman".
  • A new field-level data source, "alt_text" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules.
  • A new field-level option value, "substr(s,l)" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules. It uses the PHP substr() function to extract a portion of a field-level value.
  • If you add define( 'MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL', 1 ); to your wp-config.php file a new Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab is available. The new tab lets you view, download and reset (empty) the PHP error log file.
  • The Development Version date and MLA debug level, if applicable, are now added to the title of the Settings/Media library Assistant submenu.
  • Fixes:
  • Text and Textarea option settings containing backslashes are now cleaned up with stripslashes.
  • In the Media Manager Modal Window, CSS styles have been updated to improve the layout of the toolbar.
  • If 'Enable "bulk edit" area' is checked, bulk edit on Add New uploads will be run even if all four "enable mapping" options are disabled.
  • Terms Search performance has been improved by eliminating redundant table joins.
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, sorting on custom fields now works correctly.
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, Search Media with the terms option now works correctly.
  • The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-acf-checkbox-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-image-source-control-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • Where-used reporting now identifies posts and pages in the Trash.
  • For IPTC/EXIF mapping, single/double quotes in the EXIF/Template Value field are now handled correctly, without adding backslash characters to the new values.
  • Field-level option values containing multiple arguments are now parsed correctly.
  • Several changes to the Translation/Localization strings to reduce translation effort.

What is new in version 2.12:

  • New:
  • For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the Google File Viewer (mla_viewer) has been replaced by two new featues. First, a "Featured Image" can be assigned to Media Library items; it will replace the MIME type icon as the thumbnail for the item. Second, PDF documents can generate a thumbnail image for the item if Imagemagick, Imagick and Ghostscript are available on the server. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • XMP metadata can be extracted from JPEG and TIFF images and used in [mla_gallery] shortcodes and IPTC/EXIF or Custom Field mapping rules.
  • Several simple MLA Gallery examples have been added to the Documentation tab.
  • A Media/Assistant submenu table custom view example plugin, mla-custom-view-example.php.txt has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples/ directory. The example adds two custom views for "Attached" items and "Unpublished" items that are attached to a parent whose post_status is 'draft', 'future', 'pending' or 'trash' .
  • Two new filters for the "Media/Assistant Submenu Hooks" allow you to record or modify the new values for Bulk Edit fields. The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated with the new filters.
  • A Terms Search "exact" option has been added to eliminate false matches such as "man" within "woman".
  • A new field-level data source, "alt_text" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules.
  • A new field-level option value, "substr(s,l)" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules. It uses the PHP substr() function to extract a portion of a field-level value.
  • If you add define( 'MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL', 1 ); to your wp-config.php file a new Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab is available. The new tab lets you view, download and reset (empty) the PHP error log file.
  • The Development Version date and MLA debug level, if applicable, are now added to the title of the Settings/Media library Assistant submenu.
  • Fixes:
  • Text and Textarea option settings containing backslashes are now cleaned up with stripslashes.
  • In the Media Manager Modal Window, CSS styles have been updated to improve the layout of the toolbar.
  • If 'Enable "bulk edit" area' is checked, bulk edit on Add New uploads will be run even if all four "enable mapping" options are disabled.
  • Terms Search performance has been improved by eliminating redundant table joins.
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, sorting on custom fields now works correctly.
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, Search Media with the terms option now works correctly.
  • The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-acf-checkbox-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-image-source-control-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • Where-used reporting now identifies posts and pages in the Trash.
  • For IPTC/EXIF mapping, single/double quotes in the EXIF/Template Value field are now handled correctly, without adding backslash characters to the new values.
  • Field-level option values containing multiple arguments are now parsed correctly.
  • Several changes to the Translation/Localization strings to reduce translation effort.

What is new in version 2.10:

  • New:
  • For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the Google File Viewer (mla_viewer) has been replaced by two new featues. First, a "Featured Image" can be assigned to Media Library items; it will replace the MIME type icon as the thumbnail for the item. Second, PDF documents can generate a thumbnail image for the item if Imagemagick, Imagick and Ghostscript are available on the server. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • XMP metadata can be extracted from JPEG and TIFF images and used in [mla_gallery] shortcodes and IPTC/EXIF or Custom Field mapping rules.
  • Several simple MLA Gallery examples have been added to the Documentation tab.
  • A Media/Assistant submenu table custom view example plugin, mla-custom-view-example.php.txt has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples/ directory. The example adds two custom views for "Attached" items and "Unpublished" items that are attached to a parent whose post_status is 'draft', 'future', 'pending' or 'trash' .
  • Two new filters for the "Media/Assistant Submenu Hooks" allow you to record or modify the new values for Bulk Edit fields. The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-list-table-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been updated with the new filters.
  • A Terms Search "exact" option has been added to eliminate false matches such as "man" within "woman".
  • A new field-level data source, "alt_text" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules.
  • A new field-level option value, "substr(s,l)" is available for use in shortcodes and mapping rules. It uses the PHP substr() function to extract a portion of a field-level value.
  • If you add define( 'MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL', 1 ); to your wp-config.php file a new Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab is available. The new tab lets you view, download and reset (empty) the PHP error log file.
  • The Development Version date and MLA debug level, if applicable, are now added to the title of the Settings/Media library Assistant submenu.
  • Fixes:
  • Text and Textarea option settings containing backslashes are now cleaned up with stripslashes.
  • In the Media Manager Modal Window, CSS styles have been updated to improve the layout of the toolbar.
  • If 'Enable "bulk edit" area' is checked, bulk edit on Add New uploads will be run even if all four "enable mapping" options are disabled.
  • Terms Search performance has been improved by eliminating redundant table joins.
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, sorting on custom fields now works correctly.
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, Search Media with the terms option now works correctly.
  • The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-acf-checkbox-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • The /media-library-assistant/examples/mla-image-source-control-example.php.txt example plugin has been re-written to use the new filters and to confrom to changes made in MLA version 2.01.
  • Where-used reporting now identifies posts and pages in the Trash.
  • For IPTC/EXIF mapping, single/double quotes in the EXIF/Template Value field are now handled correctly, without adding backslash characters to the new values.
  • Field-level option values containing multiple arguments are now parsed correctly.
  • Several changes to the Translation/Localization strings to reduce translation effort.

What is new in version 2.02:

  • New:
  • Requires WordPress v3.5 or greater.
  • Enhanced Keyword(s) Search and Taxonomy term keyword(s) search for the [mla_gallery] shortcode. See the Other Notes section section or the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more information.
  • Ajax-powered Bulk Edit processing lets you see the progress of large update batches and prevents script timeouts.
  • Ajax-powered Custom Field and IPTC/EXIF mapping lets you see the progress of large update runs and prevents script timeouts.
  • For custom field mapping rules, the "Raw" Format avoids the conversion of numeric zero values to blanks.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table Content Templates, including template:[+empty+], have been added to the Bulk Edit area processing for custom fields.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table the Download rollover action is more secure. Downloads now require a WordPress admin-mode nonce check to succeed.
  • For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, the mla_get_terms_clauses filter lets you inspect or modify the SQL clauses used to retrieve terms for the cloud.
  • Two (2) new filters for the Media/Assistant submenu table let you intercept the beginning and end of Bulk Edit actions.
  • Fixes:
  • For [mla_gallery], the keyword search parameter ("s") now works properly when the user is not logged in.
  • For IPTC/EXIF mapping of custom fields, field names containing uppercase letters, whitespace and punctuation are now handled correctly.

What is new in version 1.95:

  • New:
  • Twenty eight (28) filters for the Media/Assistant submenu table support customization of the table display and supporting features like table views, Quick Edit, Bulk Edit and rollover actions.
  • For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, the powerful "date_query" parameter introduced in WordPress Version 3.7 is now supported.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table a "Download" rollover action has been added to enable easy, one-click down of Media Library items.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table values in the Base File column can be clicked to filter the table by the column value. This is useful for plugins such as Polylang that assign the same base file to items translated into multiple languages.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table template:[+empty+] has been added to the Bulk Edit area processing and IPTC/EXIF Standard Field mapping to support deleting the content of the Title, Caption, Description and ALT Text fields.
  • A "tax_relation" parameter has been added for [mla_gallery] simple taxonomy searches that involve two or more taxonomies.
  • A "url" format option has been added for [mla_gallery] substitution parameters that must be encoded for use in an HTML href/URL context, e.g., in hyperlink (a) or img tag.
  • An "attr" format option has been added for [mla_gallery] substitution parameters that must be encoded for use in an HTML attribute context, e.g., in the title= attribute of a hyperlink (a) or img tag.
  • The "MLA Tax Query Example" plugin in /examples/mla-tax-query-example.php.txt has been enhanced to handle orderby, order and post_mime_type parameters.
  • On the "help" dropdown for Media/Assistant submenu table a new tab has been added to document the "Where-used Reporting" information.
  • Examples for custom field mapping/use and IPTC/EXIF mapping/use have been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Fixes:
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table the table header height is no longer affected by the "Icon Size" option value.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu table a bug in the "where-used" information for attachments inserted in the body of a post/page but not used in a [gallery], [mla_gallery] or Featured Image has been fixed.
  • For [mla_gallery] simple taxonomy searches that involve two or more taxonomies are now processed correctly.
  • Improved coverage of [mla_gallery] pagination and author parameters (and some others) has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • The Title field is now properly encoded when used as the default title attribute in [mla_gallery] item links.
  • The title attribute no longer appears twice in [mla_gallery] item links when the mla_viewer=true parameter is specified.
  • An occasional problem with double slashes (//) in template path names has been corrected.

What is new in version 1.94:

  • New:
  • An example that shows how to replace the wp_list_categories() item count with an accurate, padded count of the attachments assigned to each term has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples/twentytwelve-mla directory. The example comprises the "page-tosca30-dropdown.php" and "content-tosca30-dropdown.php" files.
  • For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, new current_item and current_item_class parameters allow you to specify the current or selected term in the cloud and add a class attribute to it.
  • For the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, when item-specific clouds are created with the ids parameter, the term counts reflect only the items in the ids list.
  • Fixed:
  • CSS Styles for the Media Manager year/month filter, taxonomy term filter, Search Media button adn Terms Search Button have been improved.
  • A shortcode-processing defect in WordPress 4.0 is avoided by adding a "no_texturize_shortcodes" filter to the [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud] shortcodes.
  • For the [mla_gallery] shortcode, a defect in expanding request: and query: arguments in pagination parameters has been fixed.
  • A defect in the Media Manager/Media Grid enhancements has been corrected. The defect caused changes to the MIME type, Year/Month and Terms controls on the toolbar to be ignored when the MLA Enhanced Search Box was disabled.
  • A defect in the Media Manager/Media Grid enhancements has been corrected. The defect caused changes to the Title, Caption, ALT Text and Description fields in the Attachment Details pane to be ignored.

What is new in version 1.93:

  • New:
  • MLA enhancements have been added to the new WordPress 4.0 Media/Library Media Grid submenu. An option has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab to disable them if they are not wanted.
  • An option has been added to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab to automatically populate taxonomy metaboxes in the Media Manager Details pane when the item is selected. The option is disabled by default.
  • A new mla-simple-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin has been added to the /media-library-assistant/examples directory.
  • Fixed:
  • Completed WordPress 4.0 compatibility work.
  • Media Manager toolbar controls for different modes, e.g., Insert Media, Set Featured Image, are now separated so each mode retains its own settings.
  • Media Manager MLA enhanced toolbar controls for MIME type, date and terms now work when the enhanced Search Media control is disabled.
  • The buddypress-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin now handles cover art for the most recent rtMedia releases.

What is new in version 1.92:

  • Fix:
  • PHP "Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_current_screen ()" has been fixed.
  • Enhanced taxonomy support for drag & drop file uploads has been restored.
  • JavaScript "undefined or null object" reference when all Media Manager toolbar enhancements are disabled has been fixed.

What is new in version 1.90:

  • New:
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window Search Media boxes, a new "terms" checkbox lets you extend the search to terms whose name contains the keywords and phrases entered in the search box. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window Search Media boxes, you can hide the and/or connector and search fields controls by unchecking the appropriate box in the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu and Media Manager Modal Window Search Media boxes, you can change defaults for and/or connector and search fields controls by setting them in the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
  • The "Select Parent" popup window now has a post type filter and pagination controls. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • The "Select Parent" popup window has been added to the Media/Assistant submenu table Bulk Edit area.
  • Documentation for "Select Parent" and "Terms Search has been added to the Media/Assistant submenu table "Help" dropdown area and the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Most of the fields in the "posts" database table have been added as "Data sources for custom field mapping".
  • For [mla_tag_cloud], a new "pad_counts" parameter lets you add children to their parents' term-specific count(s).
  • For [mla_tag_cloud], new "post_type" and "post_status" parameters give you more control over cloud content when a taxonomy such as category is registered for posts/pages as well as attachments.
  • For [mla_gallery], "category" is accepted as a synonym for "category_name" to make filtering by category more intuitive.
  • An example using a custom SQL Query to replace gallery content has been added to the mla-hooks-example.php.txt example plugin.
  • An example plugin using BuddyPress and rtMedia has been created in /examples/buddypress-hooks-example.php.txt. The example shows how to replace the WordPress "attachment/media page" links with "BuddyPress/rtMedia page" links. For audio and video files, an option is provided to substitute the "cover_art" thumbnail image for the item Title in the thumbnail_content.
  • Fixes:
  • In the Media Manager Modal Window, adding a taxonomy term now updates the toolbar "terms filter" dropdown list. It also updates the "parent" dropdown list in the toolbar, if the taxonomy is hierarchical.
  • In the Media Manager Modal Window, the year/month and taxonomy filter controls now appear for plugins such as WooCommerce, Slider Revolution, Image Widget and SimpleFields.
  • More details added to the "Category Parameters" section of the Settings/Media LIbrary Assistant Documentation tab.
  • For [mla_gallery], the mla_rollover_text= parameter has been restored. WordPress 3.7 removed the title= attribute from its attachment links, which disabled mla_rollover_text= as well.

What is new in version 1.83:

  • Important Fix:
  • For the Media/Assistant submenu table, Quick Edit, Bulk Edit, Screen Options and Help functions have been restored.

What is new in version 1.82:

  • New:
  • For [mla_gallery], SVG image files are rendered appropriately for all registered image sizes. Note that browser support for SVG images is also required.
  • Thumbnail support for SVG image files in the Media/Assistant submenu table.
  • A new mla_get_options_tablist filter allows you to filter the tabs in the Settings/Media Linrary Assistant submenu. An example added to the added to the MLA Mapping Hooks Example plugin (in the /examples directory) shows how to use the filter to remove a tab from the submenu.
  • Clickable term lists example added to the MLA Gallery Hooks Example plugin in the /examples directory.
  • Formatted file size example added to the MLA Gallery Hooks Example plugin in the /examples directory.
  • A "latest images" page template has been added to the Mla Child Theme in the /examples directory.
  • For custom fields ( "custom:" prefix) in [mla_gallery] and [mla_tag_cloud], the new ",raw" option lets you return HTML tags for display in the gallery/cloud results.
  • Fixed:
  • IPTC/EXIF mapping rules for taxonomies that no longer exist are now removed when you click "Save Changes" on the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab. This resolves a PHP Fatal Error when the mapping rules are applied.
  • The default Media link when Media/Assistant is the default Media submenu has been changed from "admin.php" to "upload.php". This resolves a problem with the WP Document Revisions plugin and its filtering of Document post type attachments.
  • For [mla_gallery], the mla_style=theme setting will default to "false" for themes that support HTML5.

What is new in version 1.81:

  • New:
  • For [mla_tag_cloud], the "ids" parameter has been added to support item-specific term clouds, i.e., a cloud containing only those terms assigned to one (or more) items.
  • A "single image with tag list" page template has been added to the Mla Child Theme in the /examples directory.
  • Fix:
  • A Load Text Domain function has been added to the /examples/twentytwelve-mla child theme.
  • If the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab "Page Title" and/or "Menu Title" fields are empty, the default values are now used, including translated values if applicable.
  • Failure to load translation file from the /plugins/media-library-assistant/languages directory has been fixed. Note that the translation file must include the plugin slug, e.g.,

What is new in version 1.80:

  • New:
  • For the Media Manager Modal Window, Native support for "checkbox-style" and "tag hint-style" taxonomy meta boxes is available. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • For flat taxonomies, e.g., "Tags" or "Att. Tags", a "checkbox-style" meta box is available. See the Other Notes section section for more details.
  • An option (General tab) is provided to disable term-specific counts in the Attachments column of the taxonomy edit screens.
  • An option (General tab) is provided to suppress the MLA-specific metaboxes on the Media/Edit Media screen. This removes the "Parent Info", "Menu Order", "Attachment Metadata" and the four "where-used" meta boxes.
  • Bulk edit area now includes Title, Caption, Description, ALT Text, Comments and Pings fields. Text fields may contain a Content Template, allowing conditional replacement of the field value.

What is new in version 1.70:

  • Fixes:
  • On the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab, Taxonomy Parent dropdown now reflects term hierarchy.
  • MLAMime::mla_upload_mimes_filter() returns the MLA updated list of allowed types, not the WordPress default list.
  • MLAMime::mla_upload_mimes_filter() now respects the WordPress per-user 'unfiltered_html' capability.
  • When uploading new attachments, attachment metadata (_wp_attachment_metadata) is now updated from custom field and IPTC/EXIF mapping rules that contain the "meta:" prefix.
  • New:
  • For Settings/Media Library Assistant Custom Fields and IPTC/EXIF tabs "Enable ... Mapping when updating media metadata" options allow you to apply mapping rules whenever the media metadata is updated, not just on new uploads.
  • Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) support.

What is new in version 1.51:

  • New:
  • For [mla_gallery], twenty-five new apply_filters hooks let you modify gallery output with PHP code in your theme or another plugin. More information in the "Other Notes" section here. A complete, working example is provided in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • Attachment Metadata mapping. Add or change values in the WordPress _wp_attachment_metadata array. For example, add GPS data to the image_meta array. Full details in the "Other Notes" section and in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
  • GPS Metadata fields added: LatitudeSDM, LatitudeSDD, LongitudeSDM, LongitudeSDD with leading "-" sign for southern and western values.
  • New: A new [mla_gallery] parameter, mla_page_parameter supports multiple paginated galleries on the same post/page.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu, the Description field has been added to the Quick Edit area.

What is new in version 1.50:

  • PDF metadata support, including the traditional Document Information Dictionary and the newer, more extensive XMP metadata. Include this information in your [mla_gallery] display and map it to standard fields, taxonomy terms and custom fields.
  • Content Templates, which let you compose a value from multiple substitution parameters, combine text and data values, test for empty values and choose among two or more alternatives or suppress output entirely.
  • GPS Metadata is extracted from EXIF metadata and converted to a variety of convenient formats. Include this information in your [mla_gallery] display and map it to standard fields, taxonomy terms and custom fields.
  • Can customize the position, label and title of the Media/Assistant submenu screen. You can also remove the default Media/Library submenu screen.
  • On the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab you can export and import ALL of your MLA settings to a simple text file. Backup your settings before making big changes, move settings between sites, etc.
  • On the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab you can set the depth and child handling for the filter-by taxonomy on the Media/Assistant submenu.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu, search, filter and sort values are retained when a "Filter by" value is set by clicking on an active link in the table.
  • On the Media/Assistant submenu, a "Clear Filter by" button allows you to clear the filter-by value while retaining other search, filter and sort values.


  • WordPress 3.5 or higher

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