10-Strike Network Diagram

Screenshot Software:
10-Strike Network Diagram
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 2.9 Actualizat
Incarca data: 4 Dec 15
Producător: 10-Strike Software
Licenţă: Shareware
Preţ: 149.95 $
Popularitate: 663
Dimensiune: 5462 Kb

Rating: 3.5/5 (Total Votes: 6)

10-Strike Network Diagram is a powerful network diagrammer and mapper for the quick creation of visual local-area network maps and diagrams, and exporting them to Microsoft Visio, or saving as charts, vector, or raster images. The program will scan your managed switches via SNMP and discover the LAN topology automatically. It supports scanning via the ICMP, TCP, UPnP, SNMP, and LLDP protocols, builds a graphical network map, displaying devices of different types as special vector icons, and draws links between them. The advantage of the application is a convenient, feature-rich graphic editor and an object library; a wide range of quality network device icons, "stretching" lines and areas of different forms. In addition, the software offers a wide choice of colors, fonts, and fillings for graphic primitives for editing the network diagrams. All these means can make your network maps and diagrams better-looking.

What is new in this release:

Added ability to change size of selected icons and areas on your diagram. Added ability to select a type for a group of devices. The program does not require the administrator rights on the first start.

What is new in version 2.7:

Added ability to change size of selected icons and areas on your diagram. Added ability to select a type for a group of devices. The program does not require the administrator rights on the first start.


30-day trial, only 10 objects can be exported to Visio

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