10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer

Screenshot Software:
10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer
Detalii soft:
Versiune: 7.5 Actualizat
Incarca data: 4 Dec 15
Producător: 10-Strike Software
Licenţă: Shareware
Preţ: 99.95 $
Popularitate: 370
Dimensiune: 11897 Kb

Rating: 2.6/5 (Total Votes: 7)

The program scans hardware and software configuration of your network computers and builds the computer asset database. Generate professional-looking reports on hardware and software installed on the network computers. Watch, log, and track changes in the computer hardware and software. Monitor the computer health (remote HDD S.M.A.R.T., antivirus database, and free disk space monitoring). Be notified via email about the critical events and failures. View the remote computers' hardware configuration. Find out which processors are used in network computers, how much memory is installed, which HDD models and DVD drives are used. Create reports and plan upgrades. Audit software installed on the remote computers. Get information on the installed applications (including information on operating system type, installed hotfixes, and programs included in the startup folder). Monitor and audit licenses and serial numbers. Find the unauthorized software installed. Generate advanced cool-looking reports and save them in the PDF, RTF, XLS, XML, HTML, CSV, Open Document, JPG, GIF, BMP, and text file formats.

What is new in this release:

Improved the Active Directory importing. Fixed bugs.
Added the report on used license keys.

What is new in version 6.2:

Version 6.2 improved the partial key retrieving algorithm. Improved the Linux scanning using SSH for computers with the interactive authorization.


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